N2 ELITE AMIIQO NFC Emulator For Nintendo Switch in txswitch

N2 ELITE AMIIQO NFC Emulator For Nintendo Switch WII U NEW 3DS 2DS AMIIBO

How does N2 Elite work?

N2 Elite User Manual: https://www.maxconsole.com/resources/n2-elite-in-depth-manual.8/download? Version = 35

Why buy the N2 Elite NFC Toy Simulator?

This is the perfect choice for families with multiple children who want to use Amiibo in their games. Since these numbers can only store one profile, the family only needs to purchase one number and copy it to N2 Elite.
This is great for collectors who want to use Amiibo in their games but don't want to open their data. They can download the online collections directly.
It also makes it easier for you to take your collection from one place to another or when traveling.
N2 Elite also supports the modification of the Nintendo Switch.

N2 Elite Features:

A single disc can store up to 200 different Amiibo data.
Amiibos' best cheat equipment.
A disc replaces multiple figurines.
Easily read and write Amiibo data to disc using NFC
The easy button changes the character.
Back up multiple states of a role.
Save the collector's item Amiibo under mint conditions.
Android compatible
Players can run N2 Elite using an NFC Android smartphone or by selecting USB NFC Reader.

What is a USB NFC reader?

The N2 Elite USB NFC reader is based on the known NXP MFRC522 chip and is connected to the computer using a USB serial bridge. There are 3 LED display states. Developers can re-adjust our reader hardware to communicate with any RFID/NFC/ISO14443 device they like.

With the release of the N2 USB NFC Reader, the N^2 Manager application is available. This cross-platform application for Windows, OSX and Linux will allow you to manage N2 tags just like you would with an Android app. Simple, fast and simple!

This product replaces the Android NFC smartphone to read amiiqo data. N ^ 2 or N2 Elite (Amiiqo) that supports all existing Amiibo figurines is released! For the second generation, we don't need to use a smartphone with IC NFC. The new N2 Elite, which can be used with this USB NFC reader, allows us to transfer Amiibo figurines via computer! This means that although we don't have an NFC phone, we can play these figurines via cable TV!


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